TCA Aircraft Testing Department. Jet/ turboprop/ large prop aircraft test report: (v3.2) Date of Report: November 21, 2001 Tested by: Philip M. Wafer TCA#2302 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A: N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION B: (aircraft file details.) a) Aircraft name: TCA Santhana Falcon 50 b) Aircraft registration: 8P-JET c) Aircraft filename: 8P-JET_FALCON50.ZIP d) Aircraft *.AIR file date: FALCON50CAEA.AIR AUGUST 30, 2001 15:59 e) Aircraft *.MDL file date: ORIGSTANDARD.MDL AUGUST 30, 2001 12:46 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION C: (Criteria Tested) *** TAKE OFF PARAMETERS 1) Take-off distance: 1250m 2) Rotation speed (Vr): (max fuel) KIAS. a) Educated guess: ## SEE NOTES b) Calculated: 3) Climb schedule: T/O TO 10000 feet: 90%N1 / 250 kIAS / 3000 fpm 10 to 20000 feet: 90%N1 / 250 kIAS / 2500 fpm 20 to 28000 feet: 90%N1 / 250 kIAS / 1500 fpm *** CRUISE PARAMETERS 4) Endurance (range): ~2500nm / 5.5 hours 5) Overspeed clacker: 6) Speed @ 80% N1, 7) % N1 at recommended economic cruise speed: see notes. *** LANDING PARAMETERS 8) Descent: 9) Approach speed 30% fuel (KIAS): see notes 10) Landing speed (KIAS): a) 30% fuel: see notes b) 15% fuel: 11) Landing distance: 900m *** HANDLING PARAMETERS 12) Behavior under AP: a) Speed AP. ok b) Altitude AP. ok c) Heading AP. ok d) NAV1 AP. ok e) Back course AP. ok f) Approach AP. ok g) Autoland. n/a 13) Stall speed: (KIAS) a) 100% fuel - see notes b) 30% fuel - see notes 14) Turns AP ON - (OK or not?) a) Level turns ok b) Climbing turns. ok c) Descending turns. ok 15) Turns AP OFF - (OK or not?) a) Level turns ok b) Climbing turns. ok c) Descending turns. ok 16) Fuel burn: a) Fuel capacity: 2295 gallons a) Take-off & climb out to FL280 = 162 gallons / 15 minutes / 70nm b) Cruise : = 415 gallons per hour total c) Descent (from FL280): = 60 gallons /20 minutes / 70nm ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION D: NOTES/COMMENTS: *) Hardware = P4 1.3GHz/ 256Mb RAM/ nVidia GeForce 2 GTS *) OS = Windows Millenium Edition/ DX8a *) Joystick = Logitech Wingman Force 3D *) FS screen resolution used = 1280 x 1024 x 32 bit *) This aircraft was tested in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 Pro. *) Stunning visual model, with interior views, lovely livery! *) Instrument panel is part of the package. *) Some tests gave ambiguous results, for instance the stall tests. The aircarft started to fall slowly well before the expected stall speed. This meant that the speed didn't fall off any more, and never reached the stall warning. I therefore couldn't calculate a Vr or approach speeds! The cruise test fuel consumption figure tallies with the docs, but I found that the N1 figure I got was way above that stated in the docs. I got a figure of about 104% instead of ~98% for a cruise speed of Mach 0.80 at FL310!!! Possibly the above mentioned anomolies are due to programming a very stable performance. On my system most aircraft bank after leaving the ground on take-off. I was amazed to see this aircraft stay level after rotation! Other phases of flight were also stable. *) Acceleration appears slow, on the ground and in the air (and YES, I had the 3 engines running!). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- © Tradewind Caribbean Airlines Aircraft Testing Department 1998-2001